I am a fan of the apocalyptic genre. I don’t read or watch it exclusively, but this has been a summer of reading and watching rather a lot of it. Need proof? Over these short summer months, I have binge-watched The Last Ship, Containment, Survivors, Fringe, 12 Monkeys, Primeval: New World, and Zoo. I recently began reading Station Eleven since one of my friends suggested it based on my like of the aforementioned binged show Survivors. And if that isn’t enough to convince you, our family read-aloud has been Battlefield Earth, a quasi post-apocalyptic gem. Needless to say, it’s been a rough summer of near-annihilation for the human race all within the confines of my own head!
I share this about myself to help you understand my doomsday mindset while we were recently on our annual Labor Day Weekend Campout with our youngest kids in the breathtaking panhandle canyons of northwest Texas.

With a mixture of both imagined images (due to my favored genre of late) and real images (due to my current locale) floating through my mind, I was primed with a mental slideshow as I read these Words early one morning –
“Enter into the rock
and hide in the dust
from before the terror of the Lord,
and from the splendor of his majesty.” Is 2:10
“And people shall enter the caves of the rocks
and the holes of the ground,[b]
from before the terror of the Lord,
and from the splendor of his majesty,
when he rises to terrify the earth.” Is 2:19
“to enter the caverns of the rocks
and the clefts of the cliffs,
from before the terror of the Lord,
and from the splendor of his majesty,
when he rises to terrify the earth.” Is 2:21
As you can imagine, these words & images reverberated through my apocalyptic mind all day long as we hiked and explored the caverns! Later, I went back and reread Isaiah 2, which I admit was rather discouraging the first time through, and that time God illuminated the {more encouraging} beginning of the chapter –
“and many peoples shall come, and say: ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the house of the God of Jacob,
that he may teach us his ways
and that we may walk in his paths.’ ” Is 2:3
Where am I going with this? Too many times I stumble on the negative. My mind dwells on the half-empty glass. I focus on the fears. I cry out in despair when the Lord doesn’t move the mountains I want Him to move or part the waters I wish I could walk through. And yet, His purpose for me isn’t to make my journey easy or smooth, but worth the effort, worth the struggle. As I go to Him each time I face a mountain or have to cross a sea, He teaches me more of His ways and I learn to walk in His paths.
What about you? What obstacles is the Lord eagerly waiting to teach you His ways as you walk His path with Him?
Well written as always! Someday you will be famous and I will say, “Yes I know her. She is a good friend of mine.
The Lord has let me know that I have a special gift, which can sometimes be a curse. I FEEL things deeply. My husband can watch a show, read a book, then he can return to his real life with out missing a beat. Not so for me. I think I have a good imagination and my empathy, which aren’t awful things to have. The Lord has told me, use technology to your advantage. Instead of watching a violent show or reading a book about doomsday, immerse yourself in me by listening to song and reading about ME.
I love those nooks and crannies in the cliffs at Palo duro! When I was a young girl I explored them, but then I knew my Father not. Now I look at them and I think of Elijah hiding in his cave. A storm came by, then fire, but God’s voice was a gentle whisper. That is so true! He longs to gently whisper to us, but the world is LOUD isn’t it.
See Erika, I am just verbose can’t help it. Well perhaps me and Simon have this in common. hee hee.
We have so much in common, Anne-Marie. I’m a deep-feeler, too. And it can sometimes be a burden to carry. But God has a plan in even this way He has created us because we are able to come alongside others in their affliction the way other people cannot. And yes, the world IS loud! And if I’m not in tune to Him, I too-easily listen.