Wrongfully despised.
Wrongfully enslaved.
Wrongfully imprisoned.
Wrongfully forgotten.
Joseph’s life didn’t start off on easy street. It would have been understandable if he had thrown up his hands in defeat by the time he was behind bars in Egypt. Instead, Joseph walked the bumpy road of his life focused on serving, not on self.
- When enslaved in Potiphar’s house, Joseph served righteously.
- When imprisoned for doing right by his master, Joseph served faithfully.
- When the cupbearer forgot him, Joseph continued to serve in prison steadfastly.
Joseph purposed to serve as working for the Lord, not for human masters – wherever he was.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. – Colossians 3:23
Through his serving, through the thousands of menial tasks he performed as a slave and prisoner, through the faithfulness of whatever he did, Joseph added to his good reputation one faithful day at a time.
PONDER: What difficulties in your life focus your attention on self rather than the Savior? What menial, daily tasks of yours could be turned into ministry if your focus was on serving God instead of serving man?
PRAYER: Father, thank You for giving me something to work with my hands every day. Thank You for the countless opportunities you have granted me to serve those around me. Thank You for every job I have that goes unthanked, unappreciated or unnoticed. Help me to praise You with my hands as I do my work unto You, every day. May I seek to serve You, wholeheartedly, all the days of my life.