I met Abigail in college and was so impressed with her as a woman that I named my first daughter after her. True story! In the business of raising the precious aforementioned daughter the past 22 years (along with 4 of her siblings), I unfortunately lost touch with Abigail. That’s why I was thrilled when we connected again last summer and got to spend some one-on-one time together.
Abigail is not only an intelligent woman, but she is absolutely beautiful – inside and out. Her first husband (a prosperous sheep-farmer named Nabal) never fully appreciated those qualities in her. He was a very rich, but harsh man, evil in his affairs with others. Abigail was just the opposite. Abigail was someone with whom even the household staff felt they could speak plainly (yes, she was so wealthy she had a household staff, including five maidens to attend to her needs!). One servant even felt at liberty to refer to Nabal as (and I quote) “a worthless man”- directly to Abigail’s face! Abigail was humble for someone in her station in life; an independent thinker; a problem-solver; an infinitely more gracious and savvy person in her rapport with people than her “worthless” first husband.
Through a series of (un)fortunate events that I’d rather Abigail share with you herself, she is now free from her wretched first husband and has become the wife of an actual King! Oh yeah – and in the process, she just-so-happened to save the life of everyone in her household! True story! But I will leave her fill in the details.
Click here to meet my impressive friend, Abigail, whose superpower is turning trial into triumph.